Can a Knee Walker Rental Help You?
Posted by Shareef Aldubais on 10/14/2014 to
Knee Walker Houston
Following a severe injury many people feel limited in the mobility options. During a recovering period it can sometimes proves necessary to keep the injured foot or leg elevated for long periods of time. There are many types of injuries that would require long term limb elevation and could possibly require knee scooters or knee walker rental.
Wheelchairs in Houston Infographic
Posted by Shareef Aldubais on 10/9/2014 to
Wheelchair Sales and Rentals
Wheelchairs in Houston Infographic
Mobility Devices and the Knee Walker
Posted by Shareef Aldubais on 10/7/2014 to
Knee Walker Houston
What is a Knee Walker?
A knee walker provides comfortable mobility for people who require added stability during physical activity.
Could a Knee Scooter Be Your Solution?
Posted by Shareef Aldubais on 10/1/2014 to
Knee Walker Houston
If a loved one has sustained an injury which requires that one foot be elevated during recovery, you may find that a knee scooter is the answer to your mobility concerns. A knee scooter or a knee walker will allow an individual to move about freely while keeping the injured foot or leg safely elevated.